How To Identify Mold In Cannabis Products

How To Identify Mold In Cannabis Products

Even cannabis products which are lab tested and sold in dispensaries can develop mold. Temperature, light, humidity and air circulation all play a role in the development of mold. It is harmful to ingest moldy cannabis…

Cannabis and Mold: Everything There is to Know

Cannabis and Mold: Everything There is to Know

Mold is a group of microorganisms that grow in humid and damp surroundings with poor air ventilation, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It reproduces by generating small, light, fungal spores…

What to Look for in a Good Cannabis Microbial Remediator

What to Look for in a Good Cannabis Microbial Remediator

By Chris Bond Like any consumer product, cannabis should be tested for quality, safety, and purity. Consumers need to be confident in the information provided on the packaging. Testing is the only way to ensure that a product is what it says it is and holds producers accountable in front of the...